

Quality Engineering at Air Comm Systems, Inc
We Believe that Quality, Performance, and the Ability to Customize is of the Utmost Importance.
For Custom Products:
We will Require the Following Information:
  • Application
  • Aircraft Type
  • Whether or not it’s an existing Audio Mixer Panel, and please include brand and model number
  • Single or Dual configuration desired
  • Choose receive audios via toggle switch or adjustable on/off volume pots
  • Number of passengers needing ICS capability, in addition to pilot & co-pilots
  • Number of passengers needing transmit capability
  • Number of receive audio selections needed
  • Number of transmit selections, including PA
  • Muting of receive audio during transmit
  • Muting of receive audio during ICS
  • VOX ICS desired, the standard is HOT and PTT ICS
  • Private ICS buss needed, separate ICS buss
We are Continually Improving and Designing New Products!
If you don’t see a product that meets your needs, contact us and we will work with you to help develop it. Our engineering department is always seeking suggestions on how we can improve our products and service.
Thank you for Trusting Air Comm Systems, Inc. for your Airborne Audio Needs.