Quality Engineering at Air Comm Systems, Inc
We Believe that Quality, Performance, and the Ability to Customize is of the Utmost Importance.

For Custom Products:
We will Require the Following Information:
- Application
- Aircraft Type
- Whether or not it’s an existing Audio Mixer Panel, and please include brand and model number
- Single or Dual configuration desired
- Choose receive audios via toggle switch or adjustable on/off volume pots
- Number of passengers needing ICS capability, in addition to pilot & co-pilots
- Number of passengers needing transmit capability
- Number of receive audio selections needed
- Number of transmit selections, including PA
- Muting of receive audio during transmit
- Muting of receive audio during ICS
- VOX ICS desired, the standard is HOT and PTT ICS
- Private ICS buss needed, separate ICS buss