ACS 300B-100 Dual Audio Mixer Panel



The ACS 300B-100 Dual Audio Mixer Panel provides full transmit, receive audio, ICS, and VOX support to the pilot, copilot, and up to 6 aircraft passengers. Designed to work in either RH or LH pilot configurations, and is fully plug compatible, includes the QUICK ADJUST feature for individually controlling the receive audio volume levels, meets the requirements of the most demanding helicopter and fixed wing applications, and provides ICS performance. Currently used in Law Enforcement, EMS, Forestry, and is approved for USFS contracts.

Additional information

Weight 2.90 kg
Dimensions 6.780 × 6.312 × 2.620 cm

Note 1: All wiring harnesses should be constructed of Tefzel aircraft wire (M22759/16 grade). All wires to be 22 AWG, with power and ground wires to be 18 or 20 AWG. Shielded wires are to be used where noted. Protection against chafing and wear should be taken by using cable jacketing or sleeving. Prior to completion of installation, verify that all connector pins are seated properly and the mating connector is securely attached. Important– please note the power of the unit before installing; it will be either 14VDC or 28VDC and clearly marked as such on the unit's data tag.